Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Zulu Beauties

Back home, the Salem Oregon Stake Relief Society made summer dresses for a service project.  We were lucky to get some of them delivered to South Africa via my sister Sue and her husband Nick.  Today Ed and I delivered them to an orphange. Phindile Mchize didn't set out to take in orphans but as they keep showing up at her home for food she soon discovered her love for children and her desire to help them.  She is currently applying for status with the government to get assistance and in the mean time she feeds them however she can.  One three room home has 10 boys (most sleep on the floor), the other two room home has 10+ girls.  We enjoyed our visit and the children seemed happy.  We gave out the dresses, and the food Ed and I brought and in return they entertained us with traidtional zulu dancing and singing.

This beauty was all dressed up to entertain us with her Zulu dancing

The children entertained us with their traditional clothing and dancing

Dresses donated by the Stake Relief Society

Group picture of the girls and their new dresses

Zulu Dancing - posting the video on Facebook

Phindile and her boys and I think some neighbors

Phindile cooks most of her food outside under a firewood pot.

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