Saturday, June 7, 2014

Great Day

Saturday we attended an event with 100 people from a rural area that came to learn about being better parents, watchcare over their children's education, and keeping families safe. The speakers were from the Department of Education, Social worker, Uhkozi FM contributor, women who spoke about having confidence to get the job you really want in life. The church PA supplied Family Enrichment Books,which are a foreign version of FHE. The invitation said lunch provided. This is what we all received. And you know what, it was just fine! Why, in the states, do we fuss so much about feeding the members?  This was easy, fast and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. makes me think of Jesus when he was visiting Lazus, Mary and Martha. Luke 10:40-42 no doubt Martha was attending to many things. Probably dinner! He said, only a few things are needed or just one.
